Linking Policy


The linking policy in WirePlumber is the logic charged to link a PipeWire stream node with a PipeWire device node (most cases), or with another PipeWire stream node (monitoring applications).

PipeWire stream nodes always have one of the following media classes:

  • Stream/Output/Audio: For audio playback applications (Eg pw-play).

  • Stream/Input/Audio: For audio capture applications (Eg pw-record).

  • Stream/Input/Video: For video capture applications (Eg cheese).

And Pipewire device nodes always have one of the following media classes:

  • Audio/Sink: For audio playback devices (Eg Speakers).

  • Audio/Source: For audio capture devices (Eg Microphones).

  • Video/Source: For video capture devices (Eg Cameras).

By default, since in most cases we want to link a stream node with a device node, the linking policy logic when linking 2 nodes always follows the following assignments:

digraph nodes { rankdir=LR; APS [shape=box label=<audio playback stream<BR/>(Stream/Output/Audio)>]; APD [shape=box label=<audio playback device<BR/>(Audio/Sink)>]; ACS [shape=box label=<audio capture stream<BR/>(Stream/Input/Audio)>]; ACD [shape=box label=<audio capture device<BR/>(Audio/Source)>]; VCS [shape=box label=<video capture stream<BR/>(Stream/Input/Video)>]; VCD [shape=box label=<video capture device<BR/>(Video/Source)>]; APS -> APD; ACD -> ACS; VCD -> VCS; }

After that, once the media class of a device node has been select for a particular stream node, and there are more than 1 device node matching such media class, WirePlumber will select one based on a set of priorities:

First, it will check if there is a default configured device node for the selected device media class. If there is one, and the node exists, it will link the stream node with such configured default node. Users can easily configure default device nodes for all the 3 different device media classes using tools such as pavucontrol or wpctl. The logic is implemented in the linking/find-default-target.lua Lua script.

If there isn’t any default node configured, or there is a default node configured but the node does not exist, WirePlumber will instead select the best device node available. The best device node is the node with highest session priority and available routes to the physical device. The logic is implemented in the linking/find-best-target.lua Lua script.

If the best node could not be found because the system does not have any, WirePlumber won’t link the stream and will send a “no target node available” error to the client.

Stream node linking properties

The above default linking logic behavior can be changed by setting specific properties on the nodes.


These properties must be set in the stream nodes (not the device nodes), otherwise they won’t have any effect.

  • target.object:

  The name of the desired node for this stream to be linked with.   If this property is present, WirePlumber will try to find such node, see if it   can be linked with the stream, and if so, will use it instead of the default   node or best node. The logic is implemented in the linking/find-defined-target.lua   Lua script. Since this property is not set by default, WirePlumber will always   link stream nodes to the default or best device node found. This property can be   easily set using tools such as pw-play with the --target flag.

  Note that any node name can be specified there, even if the name is not a device   node name, but another stream node name. If this is the case, WirePlumber will   link 2 stream nodes together. An example of this case is the monitoring nodes   created by pavucontrol to monitor audio of all audio devices and streams.

  • node.dont-reconnect:

  Boolean indicating whether the stream node should not be reconnected to a new   node if its current linked node (target) was destroyed or not. By default it   is set to false, so if the property is not present in the stream node, WirePlumber   will always try to reconnect the stream node to a new target instead of sending   an error to the client. The logic is implemented in the linking/prepare-link.lua   Lua script.

  • node.dont-move:

  Boolean indicating whether the stream node should not be movable or not at runtime   using the metadata. If a stream node is not movable, it means that users cannot   relink the stream node to a new target at runtime (using tools such as pavucontrol   or pw-metadata) when the stream node is already linked to a different node. By   default it is set to false, so if the property is not present, WirePlumber will   always move, and therefore link the stream node to a new target if it is defined and   updated in the target.object metadata key.

  • node.dont-fallback:

  Boolean indicating whether the stream node should not fallback to a different   target if its defined target does not exist (the one defined with the target.object   property) or not. Therefore, if this property is set to true, WirePlumber sends   a “defined target not found” error to the client and will also destroy the stream   node. By default it is set to false, so if the property is not present in the   stream node, WirePlumber will always fallback to the default or best target if   the defined target was not found.

  • node.linger:

  Boolean indicating whether the stream node should linger or not if its defined   target was not found and the node.dont-fallback is set to true. Therefore, if   this property is set to true, the defined target was not found, and the   node.dont-fallback is set to true, WirePlumber won’t send a “defined target not found”   error to the client, and won’t destroy the stream node. This is useful if we want   the stream to wait (without processing any data) until its defined target becomes   available. By default it is set to false, so if the property is not present in the   stream node, WirePlumber will always destroy the node and send an error to the client   if its target was not found and node.dont-fallback was set to true.

Linking settings

Apart from the above properties, there are also global settings for the linking policy. See Well-known Settings for more information, the linking settings are prefixed with linking..